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Hearts in motion

Updated: May 17

Among all foods, none surpasses the Eucharist in its ability to yield abundant fruits and hold immeasurable value. Every day, we partake in the nourishment of the living Bread, descending from heaven, which not only instills hope in our lives but also fosters unity with our God. Through the Eucharist, we are brought into the presence of Jesus, the Son of God the Father, the very manifestation of the Creator and Author of all things.

Our understanding of the Eucharist and the reception of Holy Communion is clear. When we partake in the Eucharist, we engage in direct communion with Jesus Himself, proclaiming His sacrifice and connecting with our brothers and sisters. In fulfilling the Lord's command to be a community, we not only share in this divine meal but also partake in its profound effects. As a community, we find sustenance at the altar of life, which yields not only internal fruits—such as awareness of our sinfulness and our need for God's mercy—but also the fruits of drawing closer to God's benevolence and mercy. This serves as a reminder that an authentic and understanding God exists.

Moreover, these fruits overflow into our community, extending their influence in a remarkable manner. It is fascinating to observe how the community also benefits from our personal participation in the Eucharist. When we live a Eucharistic life, presenting ourselves before the Lord, our community reaps the fruits we share. This holds profound meaning because, as we receive the Lord in Holy Communion, our friends, family, and fellow members of the Christian community can all partake in the peace and abundant graces bestowed upon us. Living in community and sharing entail attentiveness to our brothers and sisters. It signifies that, upon receiving the Lord, we are called to fulfill His instructions—to spread His message, evangelize, form a community of brothers and sisters, forgive one another, and steer clear of sin.

In each Eucharistic celebration, the Lord offers Himself to all of us, desiring to be present in our lives. He is a God who actively engages in our existence. Could there be any sustenance more profound than this? It is not merely bread for our earthly journey but the bread of closeness, uniting us with God Himself!

The one who receives the Eucharist daily, approaching this sacrament with readiness and awareness, becomes a formidable warrior in life. Such an individual is prepared for any circumstance because the Lord is with them. Without the presence of God—this merciful God—and His Son Jesus in the Eucharist, nothing in our lives holds true significance, including our apostolic endeavors, pastoral work, and even the pursuit of knowledge. The Eucharist sets our hearts in motion, much like our physical hearts, the vital organs that pump life-giving blood throughout our bodies. It infuses us with life—abundant life—bestowing upon us a wealth of gifts and a profound awareness of our Christian identity. Let us not squander the Bread of Life, nor waste the blessings and transformative effects this sacrament imparts to our lives.

The Eucharist sets our hearts in motion

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